Three Chapters to Encourage Involvement
The False Alarm Reduction Association is restructuring two chapters and adding a third.
The purpose of the change is to create inclusion, increase membership and to increase association participation.
We believe many members felt they didn’t belong in one of the current chapters so we decided to divide the members in to 3 geographic chapters.
- East Chapter
- Central Chapter
- West Chapter

FARA members will automatically be assigned to the chapter where they are located. Alarm companies and vendors that do business throughout the chapters will be members of all Chapters.
There is no charge for belonging to a chapter – it will be part of your FARA Membership.
Meetings are virtual and open to any chapter member.
More details and meeting schedules will be announced soon.
East Chapter
Meeting Dates
- May 19, 2021 – 10:300- 12:30 Eastern
- August 18, 2021 – 10:300- 12:30 Eastern
- October 20, 2021 – 10:300- 12:30 Eastern
For More Information Contact
Maureen Tonczyczyn
Montgomery County MD Police Department
Chapter Guidelines
- Purpose: The Board of Directors may create a Chapter to allow an appropriate level of local autonomy without the redundant legal structure and demand on resources. It may provide an easier and more effective way for groups of local members to network and organize.
- Creation: A group of FARA members in a specific area can apply to the Board of Directors to create a chapter. The application shall specify the counties, cities or area to be included in the Chapter. Each area shall only be served by a single Chapter. Existing FARA members in the area proposed to be included in the Chapter shall be polled by email, mail or vote at a meeting called with appropriate notice as specified in the FARA bylaws. The application to create a Chapter shall also name officers who would serve to lead the Chapter until an election could be held. A Chapter shall be formed upon approval by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
- Management: Each Chapter shall elect a Chapter President and a Chapter Secretary and at least one director. Each Chapter shall be allowed to elect a board consisting of additional members including an associate representative. Each Chapter board shall have an odd number of members. Members of the Chapter board, with the exception of the Associate director, shall be FARA Public Safety members. The Associate director shall be a FARA Associate member.
- Chapter Membership: All FARA Public Safety members with paid memberships for offices located in the area assigned by the Board of Directors to the Chapter shall automatically become a member of that Chapter. Associate members located in the assigned area shall automatically become a member of that Chapter. Associate members located outside the assigned areas may join any Chapter as Associate Members.
- Chapter Duties: Each Chapter shall agree to meet at least once every three months; to participate on regional conference calls and to take minutes at every Chapter meeting.
- Chapter Officers Elections: Chapter Officers shall be elected for one year terms at a scheduled meeting of the Chapter or by a vote by mail with appropriate notice of the election. Members in good standing and eligible to vote, present at any properly called meeting of the Chapter’s general membership, shall constitute a quorum.
- Duties of Chapter Officers: The Chapter President shall convene and run the board and membership meetings and represent the Chapter on Regional teleconferences. The Chapter Secretary shall take minutes of all board and membership meetings and forward them to the FARA secretary within 10 days of their approval. Each Chapter must designate an alternate representative to serve if the Chapter President is unable to attend a conference call. Each Chapter will provide a written report, as defined by the Board, to the FARA Board of Directors on the activities of the Chapter.
- Chapter Positions/Policies: It may be beneficial at certain times for the local FARA Chapter to take a position on a local matter or other issue. Positions and/or policies that are consistent with published positions and policies of FARA are permitted. Any position or policy a local Chapter wishes to take that is outside a position or policy already published by FARA, or one that is not published at all, shall go to the Board of Directors for approval prior to publication.
- Regional Teleconferences: Regional Teleconferences shall be held at the discretion of the Board of Directors to allow the Chapters to give input to the Regional Board representative and to be informed about FARA activities.
- Chapter Finances: No dues are permitted to be collected and no monies shall be disbursed by local Chapters.
- Chapter Dissolution: A FARA Chapter may be dissolved either by a two-thirds vote of Chapter Board of Directors or by the FARA Board of Directors for inactivity over a period of time specified by the Board.