Professional Certification Program

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Professional Certification
The False Alarm Reduction Association has developed a Professional Certification Program, which provides a mechanism for public safety false alarm reduction professionals to demonstrate that they have attained a certain level of proficiency and expertise in the false alarm reduction arena.
This one-of-a-kind Professional Certification requires the successful completion of an intensive exam, which is given under strict rules and guidelines.
Please click on the options below to learn more about this exciting program, its objectives, rules and even some sample exam questions.
Prepare for the Exam with 4 Easy Steps
[expand title=”Certified Alarm Manager Exam Prep Webinar”] Originally conducted -September 29, 2009
FARA has developed a Professional Certification Program, which provides a mechanism for public safety false alarm reduction professionals to demonstrate that they have attained a significant level of proficiency and expertise in the false alarm reduction arena.
This one-of-a-kind Professional Certification requires the successful completion of a competency exam, plus yearly recertification with qualified CEU’s. This webinar prep class will help you learn what to expect when sitting for the exam, how best to prepare, and how to organize your open-book materials. You will have an opportunity to talk with FARA members who have already taken the exam and can give you first-hand experiences and tips on how to be successful.
You will learn what types of questions are present on the exam, how much time you have to take each section, and when you will learn if you have passed. You will not be given any advance information on specific exam questions. Information will be provided on how to maintain your certification once you have become a Certified Alarm Manager.
- View the recorded Webinar– (Note: Large File May Take Several Minutes to Download)
- Webinar PowerPoint [/expand]
[expand title=”Rules for Applicants Taking the Certification Exam”] Arrive at the exam room 15 minutes prior to the announced exam time. The check-in process will be closed five (5) minutes prior to the scheduled start time. Anyone arriving after the closing time will not be allowed to take the exam. Do Not Open Envelope until instructed to do so by the exam proctor. If the envelope is opened prior to commencement of the exam process, the applicant will not be allowed to continue and will be expelled from the exam location.
Publications for Certification Exam– to prepare for the exam you should review all the publications that FARA has prepared. You can find the publications on this web site.
Exam Confidentiality– All content, specifically questions, answers and diagrams of the certification exams are the proprietary and confidential property of FARA. They may not be copied, photographed, reproduced, modified, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way without the express authorization of FARA.
Computers can be used in the examination room, but typing is limited to opening, closing and searching documents. Use of the computer to reproduce the exam in whole or in part is grounds for disqualification from the certification program. Applicants agree that any computer files suspected to contain exam content will be deleted before the applicant is allowed to leave the examination room.
- Any person found to have materials other than those on the approved document list provided by FARA will be asked to remove those materials from the room prior to taking the exam.
- You will be allowed to write on the test booklet. You will not be allowed to write on any other documents or papers.
- No highlighting devices or colored pens or pencils will be allowed in the exam location.
- Any person found to be looking at another applicant’s materials will be expelled from the exam location.
- Any person who talks during the exam process will be expelled from the exam location.
- If you need to take a break, raise your hand until recognized by the exam proctor. Prior to leaving your assigned seat, all answer sheets and exam books should be turned face down.
- A proctor must accompany any applicant leaving the room while the exam is in process.
- When you finish the exam, you must place the exam booklet and your answer sheet in the envelope in which you received your original numbered exam booklet and return the envelope to the exam proctor.
- One and one half (1-1/2 hours) have been allotted to complete each section of the exam. No extension of this time period will be granted. A break will be taken between exam sections.
Challenging a Question– Any applicant may challenge the validity of a question by using the form included in the exam booklet. If additional forms are necessary, they may be obtained from the proctor. Applicants challenging a question should remain in their seat after completing the exam and inform the proctor that you are challenging a question(s). Applicants have thirty (30) days from the date of the exam in which to file a challenge. After expiration of the thirty-(30) days, no challenge will be accepted.
Reviewing the Exam Materials– During the thirty-(30) day challenge period, an applicant has the right to review their exam materials, including the test booklet. If an applicant wishes to review the exam materials, a written request must be received by the FARA within the thirty-(30) day time window. A member of the Training & Certification Committee will make contact with the applicant to arrange a suitable location for the review to take place. The review must take place in the presence of a representative appointed by the chairperson of the Training & Certification Committee.
Any and all costs for travel will be the responsibility of the applicant regardless of the outcome of the review and/or challenge.
Applicants agree that the exam proctor has the responsibility to enforce these requirements.[/expand]
CEU Requirements
To retain an active FARA Professional Certification designation, each participant must annually obtain one hundred Continuing Education Units (CEUs). Unless the proper number of units are earned and submitted, certifications will become inactive on the anniversary date of when the participant passed the exam following implementation of the renewal program. Listed activities have been pre-approved for credit. Participants may submit additional activities for consideration for credit to the FARA Training and Certification Committee in care of the FARA Executive Director. These requests will be considered on a case by case basis by the Training and Certification Committee. In the event the participant is not satisfied with the decision of the Training and Certification Committee, the participant may make a written request for the FARA Board to review the decision in care of the FARA Executive Director. Decisions of the FARA Board on the appeal are final.
Recertification Credit Report with Description of Pre-approved Activities PDF form
Recertification Credit Report with Description of Pre-approved Activities Word form