Assistance Requests

One of the greatest benefits of membership in FARA is the wealth of knowledge that is available from and through its members. FARA members can take advantage of “Assistance Requests”. We will email your fellow members to get the answer to your question. In the...

Member Meetings

Online Meetings Encourage Involvement The False Alarm Reduction Association is offering free online meetings twice a year. The purpose of the change is to create inclusion, increase membership and to increase association participation. Meetings are free to members and...


Each year we offer a myriad of training, workshops, and interactive seminars at our Annual Training Conference. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about how false alarm reduction programs are implemented around the country and in Canada. Start the approval process...


FARA has created over 75 publications to help you institute programs that will reduce false alarms. FARA has developed a set of guides and bulletins to help alarm users make an informed decision on an alarm system purchase and use the information to help prevent...

FARA Model Ordinance

FARA has revised its Model ordinance to make it easier to use and more effective when implemented. The old separate ordinances on Burglar Alarms, Fire Alarms, Mobile Security and Smoke Emitting Devices have all been consolidated into a single model. Notes and options...

The False Alarm Reduction Association is Your Source for Help & Information on Reducing False Alarms

Local Government

Info to help local governments adopt & amend a False Alarm Reduction Ordinance


Our Mission

Learn about our Mission

Public Safety

Info to help public safety run an effective False Alarm Reduction Program.


FARA has a wealth of publications to help you reduce false alarms

Alarm Users

Info to help alarm users use their systems effectively while reducing false alarms.

Assistance Requests

Help is just an email away

Alarm Companies

Info to help alarm companies sell, install, service & monitor systems to reduce false alarms.

Training & Certification

We offer a professional certification program to help you prove what you know.

Join FARA!

Join us now to get the help you need and help us continue the fight to reduce false alarms.

Weekly Newsletter

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“FARA has developed false alarm reduction information for both public safety and industry. Thousands of hours have developed and strengthened the model ordinance, the information bulletins, and all the documentation associated to false alarm reduction. FARA provides the membership with the tools necessary to help reduce false alarms to enhance officer safety. FARA assists membership to get needed answers by pinging the membership base for the information  the requesters needs.

I, personally, took advantage of all of these invaluable resources when I first started in this role. I was really new to the false alarm reduction effort and needed plenty of guidance to succeed in my position. FARA and the membership were my saving grace. All of the help I received made it possible for me to keep a well-oiled machine moving in the right direction.

The organization’s dedication to false alarm reduction drives the entire industry to think bigger and helps all vested parties better understand the importance of this critical mission.”

Alberto F. Hook

Director False Alarm Reduction Section, Montgomery County Police Department

“Networking, resources and information sharing are some of the many benefits of a FARA membership.”

Emily Pleasance

Alarm Coordinator, Peel Regional Police

I was first invited to speak at the FARA Symposium in  2010. I was nervous that, as an alarm guy, I would be seen as “the enemy.” Instead, I was welcomed into FARA as one of their own. Someone with the same goal of reducing false dispatches. I now consider many of my fellow FARA members as good friends.

I have attended all of the Symposiums since 2010 and have been invited to speak at most. It is one of my favorite events of the year. We have a great time and are able to share effective strategies toward our goal. I always learn more from the public safety members than I am able to share. I also get to share many of the incredible FARA guides and documents with my customers and help explain how serious false dispatches are.”

Jordon Brown

Secretary / Treasurer, Guard Tronic, Inc.

“As an industry member, FARA has given me an understanding of Public Safety’s goals in false alarm reduction.  It has helped me to establish clear views and objectives within the company.”

Afornia Hawthorne

Dispatch Reduction Manager & Central Station Supervisor, VECTOR Security

“I give FARA the utmost appreciation for the wealth of knowledge and resources it has provided to our agency over the years, such as networking opportunities with other law enforcement agencies and alarm industry professionals from all over the US and Canada and documented guidance on false alarm resolution best practices.  Without FARA, the Galveston Police Department would not be able to tackle the false alarm issues we face on a daily basis.”

Alicia Vela

Alarm Coordinator, Galveston Police Dept