False Alarm Reduction Program For YOUR Home Or Workplace

FARA Publications Return to Publication List Successful False Alarm Reduction Programs take time and effort. The key is to find the appropriate amount of resources to effectively manage the problem.  The purpose of this manual is to assist you to start a successful...


FARA Publications Vacation Return to Publication List You’ve been counting the days until it is time to leave. You are certain that you haven’t forgotten anything you need to do to ensure your home is secure and running smoothly while you are...

Remodeling Your Home Or Business Can Cause False Alarms

FARA Publications Remodeling Your Home Or Business Can Cause False Alarms Return to Publication List False alarms during and after a remodeling project can be avoided,if you take the time to consider your alarm system and the effects the project will have on it....

Password Vs Passcode What Is The Difference

FARA Publications Password Vs Passcode What Is The Difference Return to Publication List Know the difference between your secret entry/exit Passcode, which is the number you enter on your key pad to turn your alarm system on and off and your Password or identity code,...

Alarm System Orientation Presentation

FARA Publications Alarm System Orientation Presentation Return to Publication List Just as 100 level courses in college provide the building blocks for later courses, this course is designed as a quick “alarms 101” overview to familiarize users with alarm systems and...